Subal Maibangsa
About Karbi Anglong
United Mikir Hills and North Cachar Hills district was created on 17th November 1951. The district was bifurcated into two in the year 1970. The Mikir Hills district was rechristened as Karbi Anglong district w.e.f. 14th October 1976. The district enjoys autonomy under the 6th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Administratively it is divided into four revenue circles viz. Donka, Diphu, Phuloni and Silonijan with 2921 villages. The district possesses 11 community development blocks viz. Amri, Chintong, Rongkhang, Socheng, Lumbajong, Bokajan, Howraghat, Samelangcho, Langsomepi, Rongmongwe and Nilip covering an area of 10434 square kilometer. Out of which rural area constitute 10396.55 square kilometer (99.64%). The district is situated in the central part of Assam between 25033′ N to 26035′ N latitude and 92010′ E to 93050′ East longitude. The district is the largest in Assam occupying 13.3% of total state geographical area. The district is now bifurcated into West Karbi Anglong and Karbi Anglong district headquartered at Hamren and Diphu respectively.
More than 80% of rural population of the district is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. The main feature of agriculture is rainfed and so dependent on rainfall. Annual average rainfall is little more than 1000 mm and a considerable area of the district comes under rain shadow area which experience less rainfall. Total cropped area of the district is 202564 hectare. Rice is the most important crop of the district occupying 136640 hectares. Other important crops are Maize (11271 ha), Rapeseed and mustard (8868 ha), Sugarcane (5041 ha), Ginger (2845 ha), Pineapple (2272 ha) and Sesamum (1382 ha). Vegetables is also grown in a considerable area (11261 ha).
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karbi Anglong, Diphu has been striving hard to identify location specific agro-technologies from the technology basket filled by the university and research establishments from across the globe and promote the best possible technology packages with large scale demonstrations, advisory services, critical input support and train the farmers to update their knowledge and skill to facilitate enhancement of agriculture centric livelihood, farmers’ welfare and agrarian economy. The KVK is doing its best to handhold the farmers in all possible ways to achieve the targeted goal. We are doing our best to establish itself as a genuine help and support to the farmers and rural youth of the district.